This paper is paper is focused on how hypoxia contributes to tumor recurrance. Stay tuned for more ..
It is so nice to see the fruit of a successful collaboration. We are looking forward for many more to come.
Delma Mbulaiteye (second from Left) and Noor Ul ain (third from left) did a great job in the lab and we look forward to watching what they do next!
Congratulations to the recent graduates Inês and Josh for successfully finishing their PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Harsh for completing his master's degree in Biotechnology. We are excited to see the bright future of these talented students!
Congratulations to recent graduates Bryan, Michael, and Andrea for successfully finishing their bachelor's degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. We are so proud and wish them the best of luck for their future endeavors!
Today Inês successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Fate-mapping Cancer Cells Exposed to Intratumoral Hypoxia to Determine Its Role in Breast Cancer Metastasis". Congratulations Inês!
Today Josh successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "The Impact of the Tumor Microenvironment on Breast Cancer Progression and Phenotype: Extracellular Matrix & Metastatic Niche". Congratulations Josh!
Today the online-first version of our newest paper titled "Extracellular matrix-bound FGF2 mediates estrogen receptor signaling and therapeutic response in breast cancer" was published. The work, led by Josh, investigates the way in which the extracellular matrix can cause signalling changes and therapy resistance in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Read more about it here.
Today the online-first version of our newest paper titled "Hypoxia alters the response to anti-EGFR therapy by regulating EGFR expression and downstream signaling in a DNA methylation-specific and HIF-dependent manner" was published. The work, led by former lab members Mahelet and Rachel, investigates hypoxia's induction of the EGFR protein in breast cancer. Read more about it here.
Today Inês was honored as one of 5 JHU PhD students to be named 2021 Siebel Scholars. The prestigious title recognizes top graduate students in the fields of business, bioengineering, computer science, and energy science and provides them with a financial award during their final year of graduate studies. Read more about it here.
Based on her abstract, Natalie has earned a registration scholarship for the 2020 SACNAS - The National Diversity in STEM Virtual Conference. With the award, she has earned free registration and special programming. Congrats!
Inês and Josh attended the virtual CSBC-PSON-BDSTEP 2020 Junior Investigators Meeting this week. Josh presented a poster while Inês was invited to give a talk on her work. Josh earned a poster award for his presentation. Congrats! Read more about it here.
Today our post-baccalaureate Mahelet Mamo graduated from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine's Doctoral Diversity Program. Mahelet worked with us for two years to investigate genes regulated by hypoxia and their role in breast cancer. Congratulations Mahi and best of luck in your Master's degree and beyond!
Today our graduate student Shyanne Salen successfully defended her Master's thesis titled "Characterization of O2 Content in 3D Organoid Culture Models". Congratulations Shyanne and best of luck in the future!
Josh, Inês, and Mahelet presented posters virtually today for the 2020 Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Fellows Research Day. Inês was awarded an honorable mention for her outstanding presentation. Congrats!
Recently, one of our undergraduate researchers Andrea Thurneer was accepted for an internship at Genentech! Andrea will spend the spring semester interning there. Congratulations!
Recently, Daniele Gilkes Lab former summer undergraduate researcher, Chioma Ekwunazu, presented on the work she did in our lab at the 2019 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. She did so well that she earned an award for being in the top 10% of poster presentations in the Cancer Biology category. She was one of about 300 awardees out of 2500 undergraduate attendees. Congratulations!
Today, one of our undergrads Rachel Park presented her work on a current project at the 2019 INBT Undergraduate Symposium. Rachel is currently working on a project that explores the role of hypoxia in EGFR expression and functionality. Nice job Rachel!
Mahelet recently presented her work at the 4th Annual Excellence in Diversity Symposium. This symposium focuses on showcasing scientists with diverse backgrounds at the forefront of Johns Hopkins science.
We recently published Ines' first, first-author work in Nature Communications! In it, we describe our hypoxia fate-mapping system and how we used it to identify ROS-resistance in metastatic post-hypoxic tumor cells. Check it out here.
Chioma, a recent summer undergraduate researcher in our lab, will be presenting a poster on the work she accomplished this summer at the 2019 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, California. Congratulations on the opportunity Chichi!
Daniele appeared on ABC7-WJLA this morning to talk about our research and the importance of supporting breast cancer research foundations such as Susan G. Komen ahead of the More Than Pink Walk this weekend. Check out her interview here.
We recently joined Twitter! Follow us @GilkesLab to get the most frequent updates on the happenings of our lab and our collaborators!
This week, Josh and Inês went to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland for the Physical Sciences Oncology Network-Cancer Systems Biology Consortium Junior Investigators 2019 meeting. They presented their work and got to network with other late-stage graduate students and early post-docs. Inês won the People's Choice Poster Award as well! Congrats!
Photo Credit: @NCIPhySci - NCI Physical Sciences Twitter Account
Today Mahi presented the research she has completed in the past year in our lab as part of the Doctoral Diversity Program. Along with the rest of her cohort, they showed the kinds of diverse and interesting research that occur at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. We can't wait to see the progress Mahi will achieve during her last year with us.
Josh was awarded a fellowship for the T32, NIH-sponsored Training Program in Nanotechnology for Cancer Research. The fellowship lasts for two years and offers courses, seminars, research presentation, and professional development opportunities for young investigators working on tools for diagnostics or imrpoved therapeutics in human disease, especially cancer. The program is run through the Institute for NanoBioTechnology at Johns Hopkins University. Congrats Josh!
This summer, Chioma Ekwunazu, a rising junior majoring in Public Health Science from the University of Maryland College Park, spent 10 weeks in our lab as part of the Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) Program! Chioma spent her summer optimizing a genotyping and qPCR protocol to help with our transgenic mouse hypoxia fate-marking model. At the end of her experience, she got to present an oral presentation and poster at the NIH! Congrats Chichi! We know you'll do great things in the future!
Today, "Hypoxia and Cancer Metastasis", a textbook edited by Daniele, was a published! The informative collection of work informs the reader on a large variety of ways in which hypoxia can affect cancer and metastasis. Josh and Daniele also co-authored one of the chapters, titled "Therapeutic Strategies to Block the Hypoxic Response". Check out the textbook here.
Today the lab attended the 12th Annual Breast Cancer Research Retreat. Josh and Inês both presented, and Inês won the poster contest for the 2nd year in a row! Congrats!
Josh and Inês presented today at the 2019 Nano-Bio Symposium. Josh earned 2nd place in the Peoples' Choice Award category for his poster presentation. Congrats!
Daniele recently co-authored a Spotlight review article with collaborator Dr. Denis Wirtz for Trends in Cancer. Check it out here.
Michael Trautmann-Rodriguez, one of our undergraduates, was recently awarded a Provost Undergraduate Research Award for Summer 2019. The $4,000 award will support Michael's living expenses for the summer as he stays with us to study the role of TFF1 in ECM-induced cell motility! Congratulations!
Andrea Thurneer, one of our hardworking undergraduates, earned the opportunity for a research internship experience in Switzerland at ETH Zurich this summer! Congrats!
Daniele spoke today about the work in our lab as an invited speaker for the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network's Women in Cancer Research Series.
Photo Credit: Johns Hopkins PSOC Facebook Page.
Daniele recently published a new review with Dr. Lisha Xiang on the role of the immune system in bone metastasis. Check it out here.
Julia recently published her Master's thesis work on the role of RhoB in breast cancer. Check it out here.
Soumitra recently published on his work for his Master's thesis that was conducted in our lab. In it, we describe a MATLAB code we developed to analyze metastatic colony growth dynamics in vitro and in vivo. Check it out here.
Happy holidays! Today we were excited to attend the Breast & Ovarian Cancer Program's Annual Holiday Party!
Today, our rotating PhD student from the CMM program Laurie Kostecka presented a poster on her work she did during her time with us. Laurie investigated chronic hypoxia and the effects of reoxygenation on breast cancer cells. Great job Laurie!
Happy Halloween! This year the lab chose to dress as characters from the cartoon Arthur!
This week, Josh and Inês traveled to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to attend and present posters at the 2018 Cancer Systems Biology Consortium / Physical Sciences Oncology Network Junior Investigators Meeting. The event brings together late-stage graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early-stage assistant professors to discuss and learn about new advances in cancer research.
We've published a new paper in which we describe a gene signature for hypoxia using RNA sequencing analysis of 31 breast cancer cell lines! Check it out here.
This week, the lab welcomes Shyanne Salen! Shyanne is a Master's degree student in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department at Johns Hopkins University. She graduated from Bucknell University with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. She will spend the next two years helping us understand the impacts of hypoxia in breast cancer.
This week, the lab welcomes Mahelet Mamo! Mahelet comes to us from the Doctoral Diversity Program within the School of Medicine. She graduated from Longwood University with a B.S. in Biology in 2018 and will spend the next two years researching novel hypoxia-regulated genes with us.
Work from a collaboration between our lab and Dr. Paul Macklin's lab at Indiana University recently appeared in the news journal for the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics! Check it out here.
Today our summer undergraduate researcher Abigail Mesfin presented a poster on the work she has completed in our lab over the last 10 weeks of her time in the Johns Hopkins Career, Academic, and Research Experiences for Students (CARES) program. While here, Abby helped to develop a method to quantify color-changing cells through PCR, and she also assisted in developing CRISPR-based knockdowns for several projects in the lab. Thank you for your time with us Abby! We are sure you have a bright future ahead of you!
Inês recently attended an event in Washington D.C. at the Portuguese Embassy where she was lucky enough to get a photo with the president of Portugal! Wow!
Josh and Inês presented their work at Fellows Research Day 2018 at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. Inês earned 1st place in the Basic Research category, marking her third poster session win in 2 months! Congrats!
Daniele Gilkes was one of 32 early-career Johns Hopkins faculty members awarded a $75,000 2018 Catalyst Award to support our research. Read more here.
Daniele Gilkes recently co-authored a review in the Annual Review of Biophysics with collaborators Dr. Denis Wirtz and Dr. Pei-Hsun Wu. Check it out here.
The Gilkes Lab welcomes Abigail Mesfin to the lab this week. Abigail is a rising junior from Perdue University who will be doing a 10-week research internship in the Gilkes Lab as part of the Johns Hopkins Career, Academic, and Research Experiences for Students (CARES) program.
The Gilkes Lab says goodbye and congratulations to three of our members today! Soumitra graduated with his Master's degree in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, and Jisu and Grace graduated with their Bachelor of Science degrees in Molecular & Cellular Biology. Congrats, and best of luck with everything!
Josh, Inês, and Soumitra attended and presented their work at the 11th Annual Breast Cancer Research Retreat, and Inês won 1st place with hers in the Basic Science category! Two poster awards in one week... congrats Inês!
Josh, Inês, and Soumitra attended and presented their work at the 2018 INBT Nano-Bio Symposium today, and Inês won 1st place with hers in the Graduate Research category! The theme of this year's symposium was Advanced Biomanufacturing.
Two of our undergraduates, Grace & Jisu, who have both received Provost Undergraduate Research Awards for undergraduate research proposals, presented their work in the lab over the past year at the DREAMS undergraduate research poster session! We are very proud of their hard work!
Soumitra successfully defended his Master's thesis "A MATLAB tool to quantify colony size distributions in vitro and in vivo." Soumitra will be spending the next year as a hiking guide in the mountains of India before pursuing his PhD!
Josh was selected as an honorable mention for the 2018 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program! Congrats! Check it out here.
Julia and Daniele are co-authors of a new paper on how hemoglobin regulates oxygenation in breast cancer solid tumors with our collaborators at the Palmer lab! Check it out here.
We published another new review paper from Josh and Daniele on hypoxia as an enhancer of inflammation-mediated metastasis. Check it out here.
We started our new year strong with an excellent review paper from Julia Ju and Daniele Gilkes on the effects of the protein RhoB across multiple types of cancers. Check it out here.
Happy holidays from our lab to you! This year we celebrated with a Secret Santa gift exchange and lab lunch. Best wishes for 2018!
This month we welcome Andrea Thurnheer and Michael Trautmann Rodriguez to the lab as our newest undergraduate research assistants. Check out our members page to learn more about them!
Jisu Shin is the 4th Undergraduate Student to win a prestigious Provost Undergraduate Research Award!
We are very proud of our hardworking undergraduates.
The lab decided on a 101 Dalmations theme this year, and took 2nd place in the costume contest at the Annual ChemBE Department Halloween Party!
Photo credits to the ChemBE Department and Rachel Ye!
Inês recently earned a bursary to participate in the 2017 Seed and Soil Conference in Berlin! Congrats!
Daniele spoke on WBAL-TV 11 News about the research our lab does and the importance of supporting breast cancer research by participating in or sponsoring the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Check it out here.
This interdepartmental graduate program offers cellular and molecular research for PhD candidates with training at the interface between medicine and the traditional basic science disciplines.
Check out a new paper on which Daniele collaborated that investigates the biophysical and biomolecular determination of cellular age: here.
Josh, Julia, and Inês were seleced to present their research at this year's CSBC/PS-ON JI Conference at the National Institutes of Health!
Photo credits to Julia Ju!
Inês was recently published in her undergraduate university's news publication for her previous win of the Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo Award. Check it out here. She was also recently interviewed for a Portugal national newspaper for her inspirational win! Read it here.
Photo credits to Julia Ju!
Check out our new paper on the hypoxic upregulation of ITGA5 and how it relates to breast cancer metastasis: here.
Check out a new paper, on which Daniele is one of the senior authors, that investigates the roles of IL-6 and IL-8 in promoting cancer metastasis: here.
The Gilkes Lab attended the 10th Annual Breast Cancer Research Retreat, which Daniele helped organize this year! Josh and Ines presented their research to the experts in the field. At the Homewood Campus, Julia, Rachel, and Danny presented their PURA posters at DREAMS (A Day of Undergraduate Research in Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Medicine, and the Social Sciences). It was a big day for showing of all of our hard work over the past year!
Photo credits to Rachel Ye!
Julia did a fantastic job defending her Master's thesis "The Role of Hypoxia-regulated RhoB Expression in Breast Cancer Progression". We're so proud of you!
Photo credits to Rachel Ye!
Listen to Daniele's podcast with Dr. Paul Macklin in which they discuss their cross disciplinary approach to breast cancer research. Check it out here.
Daniel Shade, one of our senior undergraduates, was accepted to Georgia Tech's Chemical Engineering Department as a PhD student. Congratulations Danny!
Daniele recently traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to present some of our research for the American Physical Society.
Grace Kim, an undergrad in the Gilkes Lab, was awarded a Provost's Undergraduate Research Award from Johns Hopkins University for her proposed work on collagen alignment and HIF-1 in breast cancer in our lab. She joins Rachel, Julia, and Danny in our list of lab members who have previously earned this award!
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation announced an exciting new collaboration with The Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation for Health and Policy. The have funded a pilot project between the Gilkes and Macklin Lab which involves Ines' work with color-changing cells and hypoxia! Check out the article here.
Dr. Gilkes was interviewed by Science News for an article titled "Instead of starving a cancer, researchers go after its defenses". The article details the relationship of hypoxia and cancer progression. Check it out here.
Inês won this award for her outstanding academic performance and remarkable scientific progress in her Master's thesis on hypoxia and breast cancer spheroid invasion in 3D collagen matrices! The award serves to recognize the achievements and contributions of female scientists. Pictured with Inês is the other award recipient, Professor Maria da Graça Carvalho.
Daniele Gilkes recently published an article with Dr. Denis Wirtz on the quantification of solid stress within tumors! Check our publication section for a link!
Check out our newest review paper exploring the roles of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in breast cancer and potential therapeutics involving them here.
The Gilkes Lab held a White Elephant gift exchange party today to celebrate the holidays!
João successfully defended his Master's thesis, "Hypoxia Gene-expression Signature: Patient Survival and New Hypoxia-gene", earning an outstanding score of 18 for his hard work and research at the Gilkes Lab!
The Gilkes Lab participated in Community Science Day by hosting several young 5th grade scientists and showing them how to make their very own flubber!
Daniele Gilkes presented at the 9th Annual Breast Cancer Research Retreat.
Josh, Rachel, and Julia graduated today! They worked as undergraduate research students in the Gilkes Lab, and they will continue to work with us, but now in different positions! We are so glad to have you!